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Property Investing With Australia's No.1

Hear Kevin Young’s view of the world at large and how it impacts property investors.

Episode 3 - Are you under 50 & Making These Mistakes (1 of 3)

Why is it that people under 50 aren’t getting into property? In this three-part miniseries I’ll explain what you can do to start investing even if you think it’s impossible!

In part one this week Roxy and I discuss why it is you think you can’t afford an investment property. With so much misinformation out there about the property industry it’s no wonder young people are disincentivised. Being told again, and again by the media that you can’t afford a house is sure to sink in after a while.

The truth is that those earning up to eighty-seven thousand dollars a year are more than capable of investing in property. At Property Club we’ll show you the right property in the right area and guide you through your investments from start to finish. Come into the Club today and speak with other members who have found success through the club.

We do all of this for you, for free!

Stay tuned for parts two and three of this series to learn how to avoid the mistakes made by young investors.


Kevin Young