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Property Investing With Australia's No.1

Hear Kevin Young's view of the world at large and how it impacts property investors.

Are Your Wages Flatlining – Or Declining?
  • 10 June 2016

Are Your Wages Flatlining – Or Declining?

Do you believe the media?

One headline will say something, then another headline will say exactly the opposite. It’s very confusing. Recently the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) figures came out showing that the Australian economy is growing at the fastest pace in four years. But following that same story was a comment that Australian wages are growing at a snail’s pace.

Looking back through the figures, the ABS statistics show that in the March quarter net national disposable income was flat at 0.0%! Then through the whole year it actually fell 1.1%! So if you thought you were being squeezed and that it’s getting harder to buy things, you are right. Then throw in the greed of the banking monopoly getting an extra 40% on your mortgages by making you go P&I, not interest only, then the squeeze really hurts.

In economic terms we are in recession. The GDP figures are exaggerated upwards by taking in the exports of resources. Did you benefit from this? Even the rise in the giant profits from our banking monopoly doesn’t go into your pocket. Half of this is sent overseas to shareholders living outside Australia.

What is the solution?

Well… we can’t rely on the politicians.  They are too busy fighting to be concerned about your wage recession. The secret is education. It is a simple fact that the wealthy receive good education and the poor receive poor education. You can be born rich but have the wrong education and end up poor. We all know numerous examples of this.

That’s why we have the Property Education Club - because education is our unique point of difference in getting ahead with property. With it, you make the best choices.  Without it, you are prey to the scammers and salespeople whose main interest is making money for themselves or their vendors.

“If it is going to be, it is up to me”. I love that saying! If you follow it, it means you have to take action to protect yourself.

Forget the politicians helping you. Forget ACCC or APRA coming down on the banks. Talk to your Property Mentor about taking the steps to reduce your current mortgages by using our club approved specialists. They’re negotiators. You can start pocketing more of your hard earned money.

I legally haven’t paid income tax since 1974. Our Property Mentors can show you how to do the same. Even though I haven’t paid income tax, my investing activities have generated huge amounts of Local, State and Federal income. For example, did you know that if you buy a $500,000 new property you have generated around $200,000 in taxes that go into Local, State or Federal Government coffers. This is through PAYG or company taxes from the building and related industries who your purchase has supported. It’s through GST, Stamp Duty, and other fees and charges that result from your purchase. Along the way you have also created five full time jobs for a year with the construction of that property.

When Super isn’t so super

The link below will show you what is unfortunately an increasing problem across Australia. People are leaving it too late to reduce their tax and increase their assets. It’s too late when they realise there is no way to avoid living in an aging home that needs repairs and maintenance while they struggle to live on a pension of $325 a week.


Gone are their dreams of yearly holidays, a new car, weekly nights out, and or the occasional surprise gift to their children. Really gone is their dream of being able to help fund their children’s first home.

Does this describe you? If so, get your skates on and pick up the phone and talk to your Property Mentor.

  • We create more millionaires than all the rest combined
  • We create 10 times more millionaires than Oz Lotto
  • Currently we have created over 5,000 new property millionaires (details submitted to the Office of Fair Trading QLD 2015) Is this a world wealth creation record?

I Love Property!

Kevin Young Property Club Founder

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