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Climate Change
    • 21 November 2022

    Climate Change

    Is Global warming presenting a threat to your health? NO! Wealth? YES. Before the election, surveys showed 80% were in favour of climate action - PROVIDED IT DID NOT COST THEM!

    What is Carbon? CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth; CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth.

    More CO2 is FAVOURABLE for nature, greening our planet. Additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also profitable for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.

    Please google "what is the carbon cycle." "Be careful what you wish for" is a wise saying passed down through the years. After you google "carbon cycle", what will happen if you are successful and the small component of the air we breathe is removed?

    We are only months into eliminating coal from our power mix. Europe and England, of course, have gone to this model many years ago. This over-dependency on renewables has seen them close the coal power plants and nuclear. NOW only to hastily reopen them. What is the threat to the air that we breathe?

    Is it carbon, or is it pollution, as in China, where you can only see three city blocks away? In China, where in one city, blue skies are only seen one day a year. Surely, China, the second richest country, should be forced to clean up its act. The reverse. China is not taking any action.

    The reverse, our government uses your taxes to send to China. To employ thousands of Chinese causing emissions making and sending short-life solar panels and wind towers. More emissions putting them up here!

    China is not joining the global effort to reduce coal energy. In fact, it is the reverse, with 152 coal-fired power stations up and running and being built in China. Do you believe they will destroy them in 2030, as they promise?

    Below is a list of 136 Australian experts in the field who believe global warming and cooling is a natural phase we go through. The more they believe that destroying carbon would be a disaster.


    1. Ian Plimer, Professor Earth Sciences, The University of Melbourne; WCD Ambassador
    2. Viv Forbes, Geologist with Special Interest in Climate, Founder of, Queensland, Australia; WCD Ambassador
    3. D. Weston Allen, Physician and Medical Director of Kingscliff Health, New South Wales, Author of a number of Climate-related papers
    4. Don Andersen, Retired Teacher, Programmer
    5. David Archibald, Research Scientist
    6. Michael Asten, Retired Professor in Geophysics and Continuing Senior Research Fellow at the Monash University, Melbourne
    7. József Balla, retired teacher and manager of a small business
    8. Stuart Ballantyne PhD, Senior Ship Designer, Sea Transport Corp.
    9. Jeremy Barlow, Energy and Mining professional, Director and CEO
    10. Dr. Colin M. Barton, Geologist, Retired Civil Engineer with Experience in Project Control, Research and Professional Training, Honorary Fellow RMIT University Australia
    11. Gordon Batt, Director GCB Investments Pty Ltd.
    12. Maxwell Charles S. Beck, lifetime of experience in law, retired Magistrate and Coroner on the bench
    13. Robert M. Bell, Retired Geologist, Victoria
    14. Richard Blayden, Professional Engineer
    15. Colin Boyce, Engineer, Member of Parliament, Queensland State Parliament, Engineer, Farmer and Entrepreneur
    16. Howard Thomas Brady, Member Explorers Club of New York, Member of the Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences
    17. Geoff Brown, Organizer of a Critical Climate Group
    18. Andrew Browne, Exploration Geoscientist, Fellow AusIMM (CP)
    19. Frank Brus, holds a B. Comm from UNSW
    20. Ernest Buchan, Chartered Engineer MIET, Kardinya, W. Australia
    21. Douglas Buerger, Fellow Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
    22. Mike Bugler, Retired Environmental Consultant
    23. Charles Camenzuli, Structural Engineer specializing in Remedial Work, Catcam Group, Sydney
    24. Ray Carman, Organic Chemist, Honorary Fellow University of Queensland
    25. Peter Champness, Radiologist
    26. Andrew E. Chapman, Expert on Rainfall and Flood Events
    27. Michael F. Clancy, Retired Civil Engineer, Brisbane
    28. Martin Clark, Expert in Building Design, Planning and Landscaping, Townsville NQ
    29. Richard Corbett, Member Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Member of The Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand
    30. Dr. Michael Creech, lifetime active as Geologist; Dr. Creech informs the public by giving presentations on Climate Change
    31. Matt Crisanti BSc, UniSA, Science Faculty Coordinator at St. Columba College in 2008
    32. Majorie Curtis, Retired Geologist, Stratigrapher and Palaeoclimatic Studies, Canberra
    33. Eric Daniel, Retired IT Consultant
    34. Arthur Day, Earth Scientist, Specialist in Geochemical Modelling of Volcanic Processes
    35. David H. Denham, lifetime experience as Architect (B Arch), active in giving talks and writing opinion articles on climate change
    36. Geoff Derrick, Geologist
    37. Trish Dewhirst, Retired Geologist, Queensland
    38. Aert Driessen, Geologist, Fellow Australian Institute of Geoscientists
    39. John A. Earthrowl, Retired Geologist, Brisbane
    40. Mike Elliott, Dux of School in Mathematics, Co-Founder of Climate Realists of Five Dock
    41. Jeremy K. Ellis, Retired Chairman of BHP, now Chairman of the Saltbush Club Australia
    42. Matthew J. Fagan, Founder and President of FastCAM Inc.
    43. Dr. Rodney Fripp, Mining Geologist and Chemist by education
    44. Christopher J.S. Game, Retired Neurophysiologist
    45. Robin George, Geologist, Canterbury
    46. David Gibson, Experimental Physicist
    47. Andrew Gillies, Geologist
    48. Gavin Gillman, Former Senior Principal Research Scientist with SCIRO Australia,
    49. Brendan Godwin, Weather Observations and General Meteorology
    50. Hamish Grant, MR Spectroscopy & Imaging Consultant, Victoria
    51. Lindsay Hackett, BSc, Author of the paper "Global Warming Misunderstood"(
    52. Maureen Hanisch PhD, Biochemistry, Medical Research 1997, Australian National University, Retired
    53. Erl Happ, Managing Director at Happs
    54. John Happs, Geoscientist, Retired University Lecturer
    55. Peter J.F. Harris, Retired Engineer (Electronic), now Climate Researcher
    56. Jarvis Hayman, Visiting Fellow School of Archaeology & Anthropology, Australian National University
    57. Mark Henschke, Retired Geologist in Mining, Oil and Gas
    58. Stewart Hespe, Consulting Civil and Forensic Engineer, Critic of Government Policy on Climate Related Matters
    59. Gerhard Hofmann, Geologist and Palaeontologist, Former Director of the Geological Survey of Queensland
    60. Selwyn Hopley, MSSSI, Retired Land and Engineering Surveyor
    61. Antonia Howarth-Wass, Mathematician
    62. Geraint Hughes, Climate Researcher, Mechanical Building Engineer, Climate Researcher
    63. Douglas Hutchison BSc and MSc degrees in geology, consulting geologist in the mining industry, member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists
    64. David Hyde MEnvSt, Environmental Biology, Former Scientific Chairman of Australian Underwater Federation (NSW)
    65. Paul Ingram, Qualified Geologist, Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, studying Palaeoanthropology and Human Evolution
    66. Ian Johnson, Bachelor of Engineering, consultant
    67. Prof. Aynsley Kellow, Professor emeritus of Government, College of Arts, Law and Education, University of Tasmania
    68. Alison Kelsey PhD, Palaeoclimatogist and Archaeologist University of Queensland
    69. Kevin Kemmis, Climate Researcher, Expert in Information Technology
    70. Neil Killion, MA in Psychology, active in the climate debate, member of the Saltbush club
    71. Bill Kininmonth BSc (UWA), MSc (CSU), M. Admin. (Monash), Former Superintendent of the Bureau of Meteorology National Climate Center
    72. Rosemarie Kryger PhD, Biochemistry, Retired, University of Queensland, Brisbane
    73. Hugh H. Laird, Retired Tropical Agriculture Executive
    74. John Leisten OBE, Expert in Physical Chemistry
    75. Brian Levitan, Worked for NASA, now Technology Consultant to Multinationals
    76. Ian Levy, CEO Australian Bauxite Ltd.
    77. Matthew David Linn, Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Australia
    78. Ian Longley, Geologist, BSc (Hons) Petroleum Geologist, Fellow of the Geological Society
    79. Finlay MacRitchie, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Grain Science and Industry at Kansas State University USA
    80. John Ross May BSc, Adip, Cres., Management of Forests and National Parks in Victoria
    81. Gerard McGann, Technical Director Eon NRG
    82. Rodney McKellar, Retired Geologist, Queensland
    83. John McLean, Author of First Major Review of HadCRUT 4 Climate Temperature Data, Member of New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
    84. Toby McLeay, General Medical Practitioner AM, MBBS, FRACGP, FACRRM
    85. Ross McLeod, Retired Environmental Health Officer
    86. Peter R. Meadows, Agricultural Scientist
    87. Paul Messenger PhD, Earth Science
    88. John Michelmore, Retired Industrial Chemist
    89. Des Moore, Former Deputy Secretary of the Federal Treasury, Founder and Leader of the Institute for Private Enterprise
    90. Alan Moran, Contributor and Editor of the Mark Steyn Compilation: "Climate Change, the Facts", Author of Climate Change: "Treaties and Policies in the Trump Era"
    91. Hugh Morgan, Prominent Australian Mining Executive, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology, Science and Engineering (FTSE)
    92. John Edward Nethery, Consultant Geologist
    93. John Nicol PhD, Retired Senior Lecturer Physics and one time Dean of Science, James Cook University, North Queensland
    94. Clifford David Ollier DSc, Geologist, Emeritus Professor of Geology and Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, University of Western Australia
    95. Alistair Pope PSc, CM, Sceptical Scientific Contrarian in the Climate Debate
    96. Robert Pyper, Geologist and Director of Minnelex Pty Ltd.
    97. Tom Quirk, Nuclear Physicist
    98. Art Raiche PhD, Mathematical Geophysics, Retired CSIRO Chief Research Scientist
    99. Campbell Rankine, Barrister and Solicitor
    100. Peter Ridd, Oceanographer and Geophysicist
    101. Tim Riley, Mining Geologist
    102. John Cameron Robertson, Author of CO2 Feeds the World and The Climate Change Delusion
    103. Philip Lance Robinson, Chemical Engineer
    104. Nigel Rowlands, Retired from Mining and Exploration Industry
      1. George (Rob) Ryan, Professional Geologist
    105. Judy Ryan, Editor Principia Scientific Institution Australia
    106. Robert Sambell PhD, Physics, Professional Geophysicist
    107. Pasquale Seizis, Mechanical Engineer, climate critic
    108. Jim Simpson, Convenor of 'The Climate Realists of Five Dock', Sydney Australia."
    109. Case Smit, Physicist, Expert in Environmental Protection, Co-Founder of the Galileo Movement
    110. Edward Smith, Charted Chemist, member of the Royal Australian Institute of Chemistry (RACI), lifetime of experience in the Pharmaceutical industry
    111. Lee Smith, University Lecturer in Spatial Technology, Responsible for State Government Precise Monitoring of Sea Level and International Sea Boundaries
    112. Peter Smith, Geologist (Retired), New South Wales
    113. Darren Speirs, Independent Business Owner, Rangeland NRM Consultants
    114. Geoffrey Stocker, Professor and Head of Department of Forestry, PNG University of Technology, Director of PNG Forest Research Institute
    115. John Stone, Former Head of the Australian Treasury and Executive Director of both the IMF and the World Bank
    116. Dr. Nancy Enid Stone, B.Sc (Hons), University of Western Australia. (1950), Ph.D Cantab. (1956), Retired Research Biochemist
    117. Rodney R. Stuart, Retired Expert in Energy Industry, Tasmania
    118. Roger Symons, Professional Engineer, Expert in Temperature Control of Industrial Buildings
    119. James Taylor, Electrical Aerospace and Astrophysics Engineer, Computer Modelling Researcher
    120. Rustyn Wesley Thomas, Retired Aircraft Engineer
    121. John W. Turner, Science Educator, Noosa Heads
    122. Ralph J. Tyler, Retired Senior Principal Research Chemist, CSIRO, expert in conversion of coal and natural gas to liquid fuel
    123. Peter Tyrer, Project Controls Engineer in Mining Industry
    124. James Walter, Medical Doctor
    125. John Warnock, Astro Economist
    126. Chris Warren, Retired Engineer, Design and Construction of Dams and feasibility of Coal Mines
    127. Alan C. Watts, Medical Practitioner specialised in Effects of Infrasound on Human Health
    128. Colleen J. Watts, Retired Environmental Scientist with specialization in Aquatic Chemistry and Environmental Consequences of Renewable Energy
    129. Neil Wilkins, Retired Geologist
    130. Lawrence A. Wilson, Professional Chemical Engineer, Melbourne
    131. P.C. Wilson, Former Journalist with the A.B.C. Queensland
    132. Philip Wood, Qualified Lawyer in four Jurisdictions

    Why am I giving you these FACTS? For 29 years, I have given long-range predictions to protect and grow your wealth.

    I always appreciate your feedback. Please reply to this email if you have any opinions regarding this topic.

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